Feast day of St. Blaise - Feb 3, 2023

Feast day of St. Blaise - Feb 3, 2023

Today we celebrate the feast of St. Blaise, the patron saint of throat ailments. This powerful saint is known for his remarkable healing powers and compassion towards those in need. Legend has it that he saved a child from choking on a fishbone, which cemented his reputation as a protector of the throat. As we pay homage to his legacy, let us also pray for good health and protection against all throat diseases. On this special day, let us reflect on the power of faith and how it has the ability to heal and comfort us in times of need. #StBlaise #PatronSaint #ThroatAilments #FeastDay #Faith

St. Blaise
Feastday: February 3
Patron: of throat illnesses, animals, wool combers, and wool trading
Death: 316
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